Email CC and BCC: How to set recipients
When sending an e-mail, it is essential to define the recipients of the e-mail message by entering the correct address in the To field (too in English). But we know well that it is also possible to send emails to multiple recipients. In that case, you will need to know how to use the other optional fields as well: CC and BCC.
What does CC mean in emails?
The first field is called CC di e-mail, in English. The meaning of CC is an acronym that stands for Copy Knowledge, Carbon Copy in English; this field is used to indicate that the email sent to that recipient will also be sent to other users.
The recipients present in the CC field of the e-mail will receive the e-mail indicated as not intended directly, to underline that the sender only wants to keep them updated on a specific topic, to keep track of the conversation.
What does CCN mean
However, the compilation of the format for sending e-mail messages also requires the presence of a second optional field: the BCC, literally Blind Carbon Copy (in English BCC, literally Blind Carbon Copy). This option allows you to send an email to one or more people without the recipient and any copied users being able to see their email addresses.
Difference between CC and CCN
There is therefore a substantial difference between CC and BCC: in the second case the sender can have the message delivered to another user (and inform him of the communication) without the sender being explicitly aware of it. In a nutshell, if recipients and CC addresses are visible, those in BCC are not. Here you can also find another way to hide email recipients.
A simple trick to send mail to multiple recipients
For those wondering how to send an email to multiple recipients, there's a simple trick that will allow you to enter several addresses within each field. For all recipient fields mentioned, it is possible to enter more than one e-mail address, separated by a semicolon. If you like this article. Share it on your social media.