Limits in Calculus: Definition, Types & Examples

In calculus, limits are a fundamental concept that allows us to describe the behavior of functions as they approach specific values. Whether analyzing a particle's trajectory or determining the instantaneous rate of change, limits provide crucial insights into a wide range of mathematical and real-world problems.

Limits in Calculus: Definition, Types & Examples

Limits play a fundamental role and are the foundation of calculus and mathematics as a whole. Calculus relies heavily on the concept of limits allowing us to define derivatives and integrals. They enable us to analyze instantaneous rates of change and cumulative effects.

The process of finding derivatives, evaluating integrals, and exploring the behavior of functions all revolve around the foundational idea of limits. Moreover, limits are applied in physics to analyze motion, economics to model growth, and engineering to study dynamic systems, among other applications.

In this article, we'll take a close look at what limits are, their various types, and how algebra plays a role in understanding and evaluating limits as well as we will solve some examples.

Definition of a Limit:

A limit represents the value that a function approaches as the input gets closer and closer to a particular point. Symbolically, if we have a function "f(x)" and a value "c," the limit of "f(x)" as "x" approaches "c" is denoted as

lim x→c f(x)

Here, “x” is the input variable, “a” is the specific point, “f(x)” is the function, and L is the limit value. This concept enables us to analyze the behavior of functions around specific points.

Note: Limits may not exist if the function behaves chaotically or approaches different values from different directions at a particular point.

Types of Limits:

Let's explore different types of limits that help us understand the behavior of functions more precisely.

One-Sided Limits:

Sometimes, we're interested in the behavior of a function as "x" approaches "c" from one side only. This gives rise to one-sided limits, where we focus on either the left-hand limit (as "x" approaches "c" from the left) or the right-hand limit (as "x" approaches "c" from the right).

  • Left-Sided Limits: The left-sided limit at point a is the value that the function approaches as “x” gets closer to “a” from the left side. Mathematically:
lim x→a - f(x) = L
  • Right-Sided Limits: The right-sided limit at a point “a” is the value that the function approaches as “x” gets closer to “a” from the right side. Mathematically:
lim x→a + f(x) = L

Infinite Limits:

A function might grow without bounds in certain scenarios as "x" approaches a certain value. These situations lead us to infinite limits, where the function approaches positive or negative infinity. An infinite limit occurs when the function's values become arbitrarily large (positive or negative) as the input approaches a certain point. It's denoted as:

Lim x→c f(x) = ± ∞

Limits at Infinity:

Limits at infinity are concerned with the behavior of a function as the input becomes exceedingly large or small. We analyze whether the function approaches a finite value, infinity, or oscillates without settling.

lim x→∞ f(x) and lim x→-∞ f(x)

Limits of Some Special Functions:

  • Limits of Exponential Functions: Exponential functions, widely present in growth scenarios, have unique limit properties. Understanding these limits aids in grasping the exponential behavior of various phenomena.

  • Limits of Composite Functions: Composite functions, formed by combining two or more functions, have their own limit properties. These limits depend on the limits of the constituent functions. The concept of composite limits helps us understand how the inner and outer functions interact as "x" approaches a particular value.

  • Limits of Trigonometric Functions: Trigonometric functions also have specific limit values as the input approaches certain points. These limits are essential for analyzing the behavior of trigonometric expressions.

  • Continuity and Limits: The concept of continuity is closely related to limits. A function is continuous at a point if its limit at that point equals its function value. Understanding limits helps us determine whether a function is continuous or exhibits discontinuities.

Rules of Limits:

As we delve deeper into the world of limits, we discover that algebraic operations can be applied to limits, allowing us to evaluate complex expressions more effectively.

Sum and Difference Limits:

The limit of the sum or difference of two functions is the sum or difference of their individual limits. This property simplifies the process of finding limits for functions with multiple terms.

Lim x→c (f(x) ± g(x)) = Lim x→c f(x) ± Lim x→c g(x)

Product Limits:

For the product of two functions, the limit of the product is the product of their limits. This property is immensely useful when dealing with functions that are multiplied together.

Lim x→c (f(x) * g(x)) = Lim x→c f(x) * Lim x→c g(x)

Quotient Limits:

The limit of the quotient of two functions is the quotient of their individual limits. Mathematically,

Lim x→c (f(x) / g(x)) = Lim x→c f(x) / Lim x→c g(x)

Provided that Lim x→c g(x) ≠ 0

Power Limits:

The power rule can be described as:

Lim x→c (f(x))n = (Lim x→c f(x))n 

A limit solver is an online platform that allows you to compute limit value of the function at the given point with steps by following methods and laws of limits in calculus.

Limits in Calculus: Definition, Types, & Examples

Calculation of Limits


Find the limit of the function f(x) = 3x2 - 2x + 5 as x approaches 4 applying suitable limit rules.


Step 1: Given data

Function = f(x) = 2x2 - 3x + 1 as x approaches 4.

Step 2: Place the values

lim x→4 f(x) = lim x→4 3x2 – lim x→4 2x + lim x→4 5 (sum & difference rule)

lim x→4 f(x) = 3 lim x→4 x2 – 2 lim x→4 x + lim x→4 5 (constant multiple rule)

lim x→4 f(x) = 3 * (4)2 - 2 * 4 + 5 (constant rule)

lim x→4 f(x) = (3 * 16) - 8 + 5

lim x→4 f(x) = 48 - 8 + 5

lim x→4 f(x) = 45


The concept of limits in mathematics serves as a gateway to understanding intricate behaviors of functions and their applications across various fields. In this blog, we delved into the definition, different types, and the algebra associated with limits, providing useful rules and a solved example.